personal art gallery
All images on this site are the sole copyrighted intellectual property of Joseph Eagle and EagleZen.
I think we all understand what this means.
I'm finding my artwork popping up in the strangest places!
(For an amazing example of this, see special exhibit THREE below.)
If you're interested in possible usage, it is proper form to ask permission first.
It's quite simple, really....just email me at
"thou shalt make no graven image"
an art parable for our time
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The three images above all represent ill-fated attempts on my part to actually MAKE MONEY
selling my portrait of the DEITY (in several of ITs myriad aspects) to potential clients....
ALL three deals fell through....
MORAL: Don't try this at home, kids.....
"let's do the time warp again"
a double deja vu
Below are two examples of images that have gone through a decades long time- warp before & after Click here to read the background story before & after Click here to read the background story
as well as undergoing a profound dimensional shift (from 2D to 3D)
Le Mort de Jeanne d'Arc
The (New) Seed
Below are some new images as well as some old favorites.
These thumbnail images are also listed
in the archival list below the thumbnail gallery.
Each thumbnail image is a clickable trigger
that will open an enlarged JPEG image file for you.
After viewing the image, return to this page
by hitting the BACK PAGE icon on your browser.
contact me at:
The Archive Catalog below is arranged in catagorical groups.
Each title is a clickable trigger
that will open a JPEG file for you.
After viewing the image, return to this page
by hitting BACK PAGE on your browser.
- The Early Years
You know, I didn't always have an awsome digital armory at my disposal. Back in the shadowy days before computer assisted Art, I was having fun with wonderful analog modes of artistic creation. I miss those simpler times occasionally....just me and the page and the point of my pen (or pencil or brush)....but what would I do without UNDO?
"God's Face" - A glimpse out of the corner of my mind's eye
"Lovecraft" - Illustration of ghastly victorian horror for a gamer's mag
"Missed Signal" - Sketch for an Sci-Fi storyboard
"The Marriage of Olanthe" - First installment of the saga of Olanthe...The infamous ceremony where our heroine is entranced
"Olanthe's Vigil" - Second installment of the saga of Olanthe...Escaping with the children into the desert
"Self Portrait" - Long ago and far away in my attic room with my private thoughts
"Tempest" - A program illustration for People's Light and Theater's production of the Shakespearian fantasy
"Zardygla" - Caught in the headlights of my speeding imagination
"Madeline" - Birth announcement for my beautiful first daughter
"Hannah" - Since the first one was so perfect we created another
"Big Bird" - No, not the overgrown yellow featherduster from public TV....just a big bird
"The Child's Eye" - From a wonderfully soulful photo I saw in a photography magazine
"Easter Chicks" - A cynical view of a rapidly secularizing holy day
"Harvest of Gold" - The comforting angel of the little smoke
"Pashwah" - The imperial ambassador in a rare moment of confusion
"Pig Dream" - A disturbing nocturnal dinner in slumberland
"Saturday Nite" - Back when I was single and solitary
"I Love Monsters" - Album Cover Art for a kids record full of monster-themed dance cuts
"The Seed" - They thought their quest was early appearance of the winged women (also see "The (New) Seed" above)
"Hallucin" - Imagery gushing from my synapses during a wonderful excursion
"Leary001" - Dedicated to the pioneer
"Leary002" - Pure spirit in motion
"Leary003" - The dynamo of conciousness
"Fungi" - The food of the Gods
"Unconcious Melody" - Vibrations from the morphic fields
"The Persistance of Vision 1" - Daydreams from the lower bardos
"The Persistance of Vision 2" - More Daydreams from the lower bardos
"Birth and Death" - An early treasure from high school art class
"Comet Hale-Bopp" - Time lapse from my front yard...watching as it carries away the heaven's gate web designers....
"Moonrise over Martha's Vineyard" - More Time lapse fun over the Atlantic
"Moonrise over My Back Yard" - Time lapse fun closer to home
"Sunset NC" - My wife and one of my daughters watch the sunset over the sound on the outer banks of NC
1979 - "Ho Ho Ho" - The First of the series....I was working in a print shop so it seemed like a good idea
1980 - "Creche Kringle" - The two spirits of christmas collide
1981 - "Christmas in Space" - That was my Mazda GLC parked in the space bay near my first wife
1982 - "Peace on Earth" - The child was named "Dakota" - the ghost of christmas never to be
1983 - "Christmasuarus Rex" - Long before Chrichton or Speilberg, there was Eagle
1984 - "Dec. 26th" - the day after.....the lady elf waving goodbye in the lower right was my first wife, Leslie...who knew?
1985 - "Birthday Boy" - After all, that's the whole point....The angels are modeled on my second wife, Paula....who knew?
1986 - "Covert Christmas" - Rambo Claus....a military-industrial complex christmas
1987 - "Christmas Everyday" - A new jesus born every minute....actually Paula and I were pregnant and didn't know it yet....spooky...
1988 - "O, Tannenbaum....." - Got enough lights?
1989 - "He sees you when you're sleeping..." - The Elf Bureau of Investigation looks at our first born, Madeline
1990 - "Fear Not...." - Me and the family unit fleeing Bush's Desert Follies
1991 - "Young St. Nick" - Dedicated to Flying Cat, the best unsigned Rock band of all time
1992 - "Only X Shopping Days Left" - Little Patty Poops-Her-Pants was the "Furby" of her day
1993 - "Buddha Claus" - Everything's zen...everything's zen....
1994 - "Abbey New Year" - A side trip into photo retouching....the most popular card yet
1995 - "Greetings from the Flakes" - Flattening our heads in the flake press was the most painful part
1996 - "Simian Nativity" - Dedicated to the Vatican acknowledgement of Darwin....the least popular card yet
1997 - "Holiday Pets" - The gifts that keep on giving.....Hannah and Madeline.....dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Roswell
1998 - "Felix Navidad" - In honor of the wonderful litter of kittens we had this year
1999 - "The True and Secret Yule" - Years of esoteric research pays big millenial dividends.......kiss the old age goodbye.....
2000 - "Decision 2000" -"I wanted to vote for the Lord, but i voted for the Lord of the Flies by mistake...."
2001 - "Anthrax Free" - "HDR's roasting on an open fire, Osama Frost nipping off your nose...."
2002 - "Christangelica" - "Fear not, for i come bearing a message of great joy...."
2003 - "The Elfdroid who Saved Christmas" - They said it was a misfiring yule circuit, but some suspect a miracle......
2004 - "Form 666B - Request for Christmas Card Concept Clearance " - REJECTED....some ideas are just too dangerous these days......
2005 - "Who Shot Santa? " - The Republicans did America a great service by pointing out the dastardly liberal war on Christmas
2006 - "Krishna Claus " - I was going to call it Hare Santa... (NOTE: this is retouched iconography... apologies to the original aritst)
2007 - "Father Solstice and the Gift of the Winterjewel " - let's all give thanks to the original pagans who invented the yuletide holiday
2008 - "Santa Claus Versus Godzilla" - Breaking News! Philly family flees in fright. Film at Five.
- The Later Years
The computer has allowed me to translate the more metaphysical of my visions into reality. I revel in the creative process of discovery...the same visceral reaction that Van Gogh had to pure pigments from the tube, I get from the luminous collection of pixels that make up a digital picture...the computer transports me to the new worlds that I create...and I love to travel.
"Aerodrome" - first flight! (a 3D reworking of a 25 year old drawing...the first touch of my winged muse)...(800x1100 352K version also available here)
"Alchemical Wedding" - the mystical union of 2 bodies and 2 souls
"Angelcatchers" - Traps for the heavenly messengers
"Anima" - dedicated to my darker half
"Babybubbles" - Here they come...beautiful bobbing babybubbles...
"Big Headache" - War...hunh....good god y'all...what is it good for?
"Bouyant Vision" - "turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream" (lennon)
"Bridge to Wholeness" - just past the tunnel to emptiness
"Chrysalis" - Gestating a verdant bubble of life
"Cloudseye" - always watching
"Conscience" - ...the great microscope of the soul
"Coronation" - we are all royalty
"Crown of Creation" - ecce as as the measure of all things
"Crucible of Now" - the self as a quantum time processor and information/matter condenser
"Crucifice" - ...spirit is crucified on the icy geometry of matter
"Cryoview" - put the dead to work as sentinels to defray funeral costs
"Dancing in the Fields" - a swirling waltz of ecstasy
"Debasement" - de furnace is down dere by de washer and drier
"Deep Silence" - the adventures of the human alka-seltzer
"Eaglezen" - me at the center of stillness
"Eastgate" - look towards the rising sun
"Eruption Cycle" - cocoons of the next paradigm burst forth their cargo
"Exile on Moon Street" - The ultimate outsider
"First Sight" - As in, "Love At..."
"Flower Dish" - The Opening
"Flying Cat" - CD cover art for the late great Flying Cat
"Fountain of Forgiveness" - see "Waters of Life"....AOL's Graphic Arts Forum Pick of the Week 10/14/01 (Thanks AOL!)
"Generator" - the cosmic dynamo
"Goddess" - the Great Mother of all mothers...are you worthy?
"Greeneyes" - lots of greeneyes...what else
"Hangar 52" -the truth is in there.....
"Infinte ONE" - "i am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together" (lennon)....
"Judgement Day" - ...enough said
"Last Call" - "there's somethin' happenin' here and you don't know what it is, do you, mr. jones? " (dylan)....
"Last Cowboy of the Apocalypse" - Slim Pickens said it best: "YAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO........."
"Le Mort de Jeanne d'Arc" - dedicated to all of us who were burnt at the stake at some point in our lives...(1800x2400 1.3 MB version also available here)
"Little Self" - "oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood" (burdon)....
"Marbleheads" - these guys rule the world....
"Material Life" - all screwed up and nowhere to go....
"Metal Martyr" - Morphius, Morphius, why hast thou foresaken me?
"Moonbeam" - and you thought they came from the moon....
"Moon Pump 9" - the solar system's worst job
"Moonslam" - ouch
"Naptime In Wasteland" - ...endorsed by massage therapists
"Nascence" - feminist's fave
"Nest Guards" - Trust your eggs to the very best
"New Moon"- Honey, I love the moon on the water
"NewRA" - same as the OldRA....
"No Parking Zone" - The Car of the Gods
"Old Map" - we cleaned out magellan's glove compartment....
"Primal Fear" - confronting the ego-demon
"Rest Stop" - a very deep and timeless meditation
"Ringfall" - cascading gold bands...multimatrimonial....
"Ring Race" - foto-finish at the great cetacean relays
"Rods and Cones" - at the back of the ocular orb, strange doings
"Rounding Up the Sacred Cows" - Home on the Mystical Range
"Sagitarius" - alchemical confrontation in the underworld of the soul
"SkyDancers" - free fall frolic
"Stamen" - I'll show you my pistil if you show me your stamen
"Starseed" - just being born.....shhhhh.....
"The Barrier" - this is as far as i got on my round the world voyage
"The Beginning" - In the beginning there was the pixel
"The Bounty Hunters" - they always get their man
"The Block" - my hard edges pushed towards her smooth roundness...
"The Brush" - the agony and the ecstasy...something about art, creation, and conciousness, no doubt
"The Distance" - the span of a continent cannot stop love
"The (New) Seed" - The old bait and switch game...(1800x2400 1.0 MB version also available here)
"The Seeding Cove" - you wouldn't believe the things i've seen while cruising in my mini-sub
"The Stairs" - another excursion into the scary sub-basement of my soul
"The Swim Reaper" - ....wait one half hour after eating
"The True Cross" - you always hurt the one you love
"Trip to the City" - are we there yet????
"Tubing" - another in our "dangers of the open sea" series
"True Love" - "it takes two, takes two, and takes two...." (peaches and herb?)....
"Twin Venus" - two goddesses are always better than one
"Twisted Corridors" - can be so confusing....
"War in Heaven" - Michael and Lucifer go for the Holy Championship Belt
"WaterRose" -'s know...
"Waters of Life" - ...they flow right to the "fountains of forgiveness"
"Water Walker" - quick....throw me a life preserver
"Y2K Bug" - 2K or not 2K, that is the question
"Zenscape" - my good buddhy (sic)
"Abadan" - quantum structures
"Archangel" - the form beyond the form
"Broken up and Dances" - "...everything is broken up and dances" (morrison)
"Eagle" - me at the edge of chaos
"Egg of All Life" - incubating at this very moment
"Fire and Water" - ...they don't mix...stand back....
"Fireworks" - started as a picture of fireworks...hence the title
"Gold Resonant Reefs" - pure visual music
"Oil and Water" - these don't mix either, but they're not volatile
"Pallette Melt" - Not a cheese sandwich
"Spectrasplash" - more glimpses of the edge of chaos
"Artist" - a statement
"Caverna" - some kinda weird poster for a murder mystery or something
"Closing the Deal" - psst....wanna buy a stegasaurus?
"Equinox" - for my horse loving freinds (you know who you are)
"Eraserhead" - touchup for a film frame (apologies to Lynch)
"Girls on the Beach" - a composite photo of my darling daughters
"Hemoglobin 1" - the original album cover for our band (Hemoglobin)
"Hemoglobin 2" - the second album (Intersection of Flesh and Metal)
"Jimi" - some old black blues singer
"My Hannah" - heavy photoshop treatment of my youngest daughter's pic
"MX 1" - premier issue of MX music guide...cover art
"MX 2" - second issue of MX music guide....cover art
"California" - memories of our last trip out (hey cyberspacestudios!)
"Temple Lake" - my alma mater
"Tri-Pads" - the maritime synth-isles
"Windowall" - a retreat for lovers ....mmmmmmm.....
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